VMI DREDGES - Your ultimate solution for all your dredging needs! We offer sales and rentals!

  VMI Dredges - your ultimate solution for all your dredging supply needs. As a leading provider of dredge rentals in North America, we offer the most adaptable solutions in the industry. Based in Central Oklahoma, we are well-positioned to serve customers across the United States with ease. But our reach doesn't stop there - we offer worldwide options for customers outside of North America, making us truly a global provider.

No matter the task at hand - be it reclaiming capacity in retention ponds, extracting valuable materials such as sand and gold from rivers, or restoring eroded beachfronts - VMI helps with clients' needs for maintaining bodies of water and enhancing environmental sustainability. These applications include municipal projects, chemical waste, oil and gas bi-products, environmental remediation, agricultural waste, and others in ponds, lakes, rivers, lagoons, and more.  Contact us at 918-225-7000 ext 12
